Videolog of recent Ethiopia ministry

5 06 2014

My thanks to colleague Joel Madson for putting together this collage of our ministry trip in May.


Greetings from Ethiopia

21 05 2014



Please pray with me for my trip

1 05 2014


Tomorrow I leave for Ethiopia…my fourth annual trip. Each year, I have been privileged to partner with my friend, Girma Deselegne, in fulfilling the vision God gave him to bring Biblical and ministry training to his homeland. Last year, we graduated 108 church leaders – elders, pastor, women’s leaders, evangelists – from the two year diploma program of “Vision Leadership Institute”.

I believe that prayer changes things. Praying believers can head off disease and trouble. Praying believers can increase fruit of ministry. Praying believers can open doors, arrange divine appointments, and protect those who go and stay. Prayer makes a difference!!

So please pray with me:

  1. That God would cause His glory to be enlarged in ways that He alone knows.
  2. That the extended families of those on this mission trip would be surrounded by God’s protection so there are no emergencies to take us away from this task.
  3. That we who train, through those who translate, to student who listen and interact would partner together to affect growth of the body of Christ in East Africa and lead to multiplication of vibrant Christian communities in unreached places.
  4. That evening meetings would be arranged for the community, and that many would come and hear the gospel proclaimed, resulting in many new followers of Christ, many deeper commitments to live obediently, and deliverance from evil.
  5. I will be teaching on Character & Integrity in Leadership, and Mission: Our Greatest Journey; pray that several will take seriously the call to bring the gospel to the 31 unreached people groups of Ethiopia.


We will be in four cities this time: Debrezeit, Sheshemane, Nazret, and Zaway. We expect to graduate over 150 students this time.

In case you haven’t received it, here is our prayer letter for this month. Let me know if you would like to get this on a regular basis.


Waterfalls and mountain trails

19 03 2014

2014-03-18 12.39.312014-03-18 13.02.58My wife and I recently had a beautiful day in the Olympic National Forest. Taking in God’s creation is refreshment to our souls!

A positive immigrant story

25 01 2014

Here is a great video of a reporter who discovered an uplifting story by merely engaging another passenger on a flight home. It reminds us that:

  • unplanned opportunities are all around us
  • everyone has a story
  • many immigrant stories are uplifting
  • we benefit personally when we show interest in others and listen well

I encourage you to watch this video or read the transcript of Flying Coach