Prayer for spiritual excellence

14 04 2017

Lord, this pride of mine is weighing me down.
I’ve carried it all my life
I’m tired of the burden
Secret pride hides in my mind
In thoughts that defend me
In haughty speeches I give to others
In rehearsals of my accomplishments
In excuses of my errors
In dreams of what I will do some day.
Why can’t I see my pride for the junk that it is?
Help me Lord
Change my mind and clean it up.
Take out the trash and give me the prize
To know Christ Jesus
That is my greatest desire (I declare)
Help make it my greatest desire (I plead)
Help me surrender my prideful thoughts
And crucify my haughty self-congratulations.
As risky as it is to say
I want to know Christ
Even by sharing in His suffering
That I may enjoy Him as the One who lives.
When my life is over
May I not be small of spirit
Found clutching petty things
But glad that I let go of my trinkets
And embraced my Treasure.

(based on Phil. 3)

10 ways you die to live the gospel

12 04 2017

1. Disciples today have Gethsemane-like experiences in which we must surrender to God.

2. Surrender is the first act of the heart which is necessary for any growth in maturity.

3. Humble surrender of soul initiates is what initiates any progress toward intimacy with God and conformity to Christ.

4. You and I are called to our own hill of sacrifice to share in His death. “I have been crucified with Christ…” (Galatians 2:20a).

5. Our burial-like experiences are seasons to abide in Christ. (“Abide in Me, and I in you,” John 15:4a).

6. As we abide with Christ, we

>>wait for Him to answer
>>grieve the loss of someone or something
>>feel weak and helpless

7. RESURRECTION is God’s favorite miracle. No wonder He lavishly produces resurrection-like experiences in us!

8. The driving passion of the gospel is to display Jesus as truly alive in His followers today.

9. We live out the resurrection when we MANIFEST the risen Christ!

10. Through our hardships we have the honor of putting on display the crucified, buried, and risen Son of God!

privilege to glorify Son of GodI would love to unpack more about these truths for you. Please sign up for my email list, and I will send you the first of 5 lessons  to you. THANKS!

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How does a rich man repent?

3 01 2017

Recently I heard a sermon about John the Baptist and his call to repentance as a way to prepare for the coming of King Jesus. The preacher exhorted each of us to consider ways we should repent (i.e. turn around). The church was located in an affluent area, and the congregants reflect the lifestyle of the financially prosperous.

After the service let out, I was in the parking lot talking to my hosts, when another attendee walked past and engaged in conversation. He said he was soon to drive his motor home to Palm Springs to stay for some weeks, after which he would drive up along the California coast visiting beautiful cities along the way.

In these instances, we who have spent years in poorer countries or neighborhoods are often challenged with a private, parallel conversation. For me it could be summarized as, “What would one of my simple village pastors from Africa think if he had heard that sermon on repentance, and now stood in this conversation in the parking lot?” (Note: I include the descriptor “village” because some city pastors and elders in African cities are economically more akin to the American RV owner than their village compatriots.)

I had the same internal conversation on a walk during the recent Christmas season. I passed through a neighborhood of multi-level homes which cost hundreds of thousands to build. In the driveway sat at least one glimmering SUV, and on the lawn a “creche” depicting the humble birth of Jesus. Again, I wondered if a Christian from the developing world would view that scene as a bewildering contradiction.

How does a rich man repent?

I think of the rich young ruler who engaged Jesus with the question of  his salvation. Since the man was keeping the Mosaic Law, Jesus finally told him to sell all he had and give to the poor. The young man went away sad because he had many possessions.

Did Jesus want the young entrepreneur to give everything away so as to join the ranks of the poor? I think not. But the Lord saw that the man loved his possessions, which was an impediment to discipleship. Paul wrote along this line when he said that the love of money is the root of all evil. If I love my money, I need to repent. But how do I know when I have stopped stewarding my money righteously and come to love my money? If such love is actually covetousness, idolatry, possessiveness, or a source of pride, then no one knows if I need to repent other than God and me — and I am well able to deceive myself.

I begin to see that the African villager cannot really know how the rich American should repent, any more than the rich American can really know how the African should repent. But I am sure each would receive insight on the matter, to their benefit, if they spent some hours together reading God’s word and praying!

A young Christian family, living in the same metro area as the wealthy RV owner, formerly wanted to buy a larger home. But they intentionally decided to live simply in their current house. Dad takes the shuttle train to work, when he could drive his own car. A rich young family is seeking to live a lifestyle of repentance.

I heard of a Christian church that has decided to rent a central space accessible to all, rather than build their own building in the suburbs; this way they are able to put more funds into mission and outreach to the community. A rich young church seeks an attitude of repentance.

Repentance is a matter of the heart. If I am a hypocrite in my heart, I must deal with the fact that the Holy Spirit lives there too. A man with less money can actually love his money more, even as a man with more money can love it less. Are both of them ready to give their money away freely, as managers of God’s resources?

Repentance is a matter of my time, place, and circumstance. Another person cannot know my context, and therefore cannot rightly judge what I should do. But neither should I judge what another man does, or does not do. Maybe that is why community is so important, for people who share the same context can observe and speak forthrightly into each others lives.

“If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14, NKJV).

Photos:  WP ImageSmart/Pixabay





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Morning prayer of a Christian Writer

30 11 2016

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme. I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1

writers prayerI praise You, O God for the gift of this day. I desire to live it for Your glory — to be of enjoyment and usefulness to You today.

I acknowledge that You created me with a desire and skill to write words which change lives. I am a steward of this gift. May I manage it today in a way that pleases You. Give me Your words.

I offer again to You in surrender my mind and my heart, for this is where You must put Your thoughts. Stir up my soul with Your truth, excite my pen with Your thoughts. Write to someone You love through me today.

Open Your word to me that I may glimpse more of Your glory.

Deepen my understanding of Your wisdom and grace. Let me see beyond the veil to behold more of Your beauty, the beauty this ugly world needs to see, even longs with desperation to see. Let me feel You power today, that I may strengthen that one who is weak.

And finally, grant me grace to do the unpleasant tasks of the writer who must work to publicize his words. Put me out onto the highways, that I may announce the good words You give — not for my own reputation, but to wave the flag of the good news.     Amen

If you are a writer or aspire to be, I would love to share more of what God is teaching me. Please sign up below, and share with a friend!


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Sabbath is God’s, “You’ve done enough”

14 11 2016

The reason God gave His people the sabbath was not to add a legalistic requirement but to let us feel His approval. That is why, in our need for approval through performance, we need to recover and practice the sabbath-principle.

Sabbath let’s me hear God approvingly announce “enough.” He smiles on the work I have done and tells me it is sufficient, and that He will make up the lack. Sabbath changes the responsibility from “mine” to “ours”. Practicing sabbath changes my schedule from work-dominant to balanced trusting. It acknowledges that God cares about my time and what I do with it. He cares that I am productive but guards me against idolizing what I do.

My first thought was that sabbath is a way I invite God into my life, but on further reflection I see it as a way God invites me into His life. As God balances productivity and contentment, I am welcomed into the same balance and experience more of God’s way of living.

How do we share in God’s way of doing work and sabbath? How do I stop short of completely defining what I will do, leaving space for God to move in and share the work with me? How do we share the steering wheel with God?

I don’t have answers for you, but here is how I relate to this. One thing I can do is to stop manipulating my opportunities. Instead, I can watch for what God brings and flow with that. I can nurture the relationships God brings my way. These may not be the ones I would have sought. They may not seem strategic, but they are God-sent.

I can also watch for, and honor the giftings and passions of the people God brings. These people may take us in directions we did not foresee, but again they are ways God can invite us into His life.

A third way is to acknowledge my inability and dependency to accomplish the work myself. This makes room for God. I can do this with joy, not with guilt or frustration, for it means the work is a partnership with God. (The feeding of the 5,000 exemplifies this: “You feed the people.” “Well, what do you have?”  “Ok, I’ll work with that — have the people sit down.”)

I don’t think there is any part of my work that is exactly what I want it to be. Could that be a gracious working of God in showing me how we can share the load? My perpetual feeling of inadequacy is God’s invitation to sabbath and His assurance, “I like what you’ve done. It’s enough. Now rest.”

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