They bring the Christ we desperately need.

30 09 2013

immigrant prayerI visited a seminary in the L.A. area which trains church leaders from many nations. After the chapel service, I was invited to stay for a simple lunch with the students. I sat around the table with three of the men, and asked them what it has been like coming to America, and what it has been like to enter into the church in the USA. The man from Cameroon hesitated before he admitted, “In Cameroon I oversee a hundred churches, but here in America I have not even been asked to lead in prayer.”  I asked him why he thought this might be the case. He felt that he was viewed with suspicion — that people saw him as someone who needed something, not as someone who could add.

There is increasing interest in mission-minded people in the west about “reaching the diaspora” — meaning, to share the gospel with the internationals who are coming from unevangelized lands. I fully embrace this goal. But we are missing something very important if that is our only focus regarding diaspora ministry. As my colleague Voltaire Cacal writes, many immigrants come with a vibrant faith which, frankly, we need. These migrants bring a deep spirituality. Some have suffered for Christ. They know perseverance. They show us how to live simply, and remind us of the priority of relationships. They remind us that the Kingdom of God is a multicultural one.

There are two major inflows of migrants. Those who desperately need Christ, and those who bring the Christ we desperately need. Next time you have occasion to talk with an immigrant who loves Jesus, take it as a learning opportunity. You may need him as much as he needs you.

Sound City, David Grohl, and what’s essential

21 08 2013

I write as a Jesus-follower…but hear me out.

I just finished watching the docu-film, “Sound City.” Produced by David Grohl (pictured), former drummer of Nirvana along with lead singer Kurt Cobain and bassist Krist Novoselic. The film tells the story of a small, homely sound studio in Van Nuys, California that had an amazing run of hit albums from no-name groups that became household words. Though I am not a sound cityrock-and-roll officianado, I was caught up in the human side of the story as chance meetings and pick-up jam sessions led to sounds that spontaneously captured the passions of the musicians and millions of fans who came to love them.

But that is a sidelight to my question. As I finished the film, I found myself really liking these people. They were human, and valued some of the same things I do. They loved life. They explored what makes life meaningful and full. They even discussed what constitutes “feelings.” I found myself wondering, “Would it be so very difficult for them to find Christ?” I pondered to myself, as I now wonder in this missive, “Could we not remove some non-essential obstacles so that these really likeable guys wouldn’t have such a convoluted journey finding Jesus?”

Hence the question: What’s the ground we cannot give up and still be true?  Or put another way: What, purely, is essential?

Is it the church? Must a person buy into the church to be a Jesus follower? Some would say yes–that the church is the intermediary to God. The church is the depository of truth, they would say. It has the sacraments and ordinances. The priesthood and the prayers and the preachers. The church is the place of healing and nurture, of accountability and growth.

david grohlIs it a conservative stand on current moral issues? Must the guys who recorded at Sound City oppose the gay agenda? Must they oppose abortion? Are these issues the ground we cannot give up? Must they vote Republican? or Democrat? Is the uncrossable line for evangelicals political in nature?

Or is love the only essential? Didn’t Jesus Himself agree with the lawyer who said the essentials were loving God and neighbor? Wouldn’t it be accurate to say that love is all that really matters?

No, you say. These are not the core. These are peripheral. Secondary. And as for love, when not coupled with truth it approves anything. Love by itself wanders along any path.

I agree with you. Which leads me to ask: If these are not the pure essence, why do we spend any effort battling for them?

But now, before I lose you, I must answer the question as I see it. What do I wish David Grohl and Paul McCartney could see with unveiled eyes? What depth of feeling would I long for them to know way down in the core of their passionate hearts? Simply this: that Jesus Christ loves them so deeply; that His death on the cross is sufficient to deliver them completely; that Jesus rose from the dead and will raise them too, if they will only believe. This, all this, is a gift of grace to be freely received.

That is the sum of it. Take this good news away and the deal is off. Hold it high, and people who were once far away can come near.

A new displaced person every 4.1 seconds

19 06 2013

One of the signs of our time is the rise in the number of refugees. This reality can be viewed through the lens of economics and politics, but we as believers in Christ are also to view the movement of peoples through the lens of the call of God to love the stranger and alien (Lev. 19:33-34). A general trend historically is for the USA to receive refugees from countries where there has been conflict, and where our government hopes to instill democratic ideals. Already, the USA holds 20% of all international immigrants. It could be that we will be seeing refugees increase in the near future from Afghanistan and Syria.

For now, consider this excerpt from the article published June 19, 2013 by the BBC:

  • The UN says 7.6 million people became refugees in 2012, with the total number now higher than at any time since 1994.

  • A report from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says that Syria is “a major new factor” driving up refugee numbers. The war in Syria could displace another two million people by the end of 2013

  • The report says 55% of all refugees come from five countries: Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and Syria.

  • It also found that developing countries now hosted 81% of the world’s refugees, 11% more than a decade ago.

“These truly are alarming numbers. They reflect individual suffering on a huge scale and they reflect the difficulties of the international community in preventing conflicts and promoting timely solutions for them,” said UNHCR chief Antonio Guterres.

Mr Guterres said that the figure of 7.6 million meant there was a new displaced person every 4.1 seconds. “Each time you blink another person is forced to flee,” he said.

The UNHCR says the figures are based on data from the agency itself as well as from governments and other NGOs.

Afghanistan remained the world’s biggest source of refugees, a position it has now held for 32 years, with 95% of Afghan refugees located in either Iran or Pakistan.

Somalis were the second biggest group of refugees in 2012, followed by Iraqis. Syrians were the fourth biggest group.

Accessed 6/19/2013 at


God’s whistle

11 06 2013

I came across this passage this morning and love it:

pakistani woman“He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar,
And will whistle to them from the end of the earth;
Surely they shall come with speed, swiftly.
No one will be weary or stumble among them,
No one will slumber or sleep;
Nor will the belt on their loins be loosed, Nor the strap of their sandals be broken.” (Isa. 5:26-27 NKJV)

What a picture! Here is God, who in previous verses excoriates those who out of greed acquire more land and houses than they need or can even use…warning those who in their partying have long forgotten Him….who call out to God not in need but as if He is their servant (“Let Him make speed and hasten His work, that we may see it,” v 19). But now God lifts up this huge banner of mercy, and He whistles to the nations! “Y’all come! From the ends of the earth…you, steeped in strange religions, bowing to gods of your own craftsmanship, come to the living God. You who are humble, seek me, and you will find me.”

And they come! They run, “with speed, swiftly.” They don’t dawdle, but like the disciples, they leave what it is they have been so focused on, and they pursue the master. They don’t trip along the way, don’t sleep in for that extra hour. No, they strap their sandles tightly, gather up the loose ends of their garments, and RUN!

God is a gathering God. Ever looking into the future, He desires to restore fellowship, reunite His peoples…to each other, to Himself. I love this picture. I see it in Jesus, who said, “Come, follow Me.” Leave what you’re so preoccupied with, and come be with me.

Lord, sound out with your liberating whistle, and let the nations run to you. And God, let me be a part of making that sound. Give me the privilege of being a small part of the nations coming back to you.

Guess what’s impeding new movements in mission

29 05 2013

Jesus said, “The times, they are a changin'”  Okay, so that’s a loose paraphrase of what He really said, to the effect that the old categories (think of them as wineskins) no longer fit the new movements 737px-Airplane_vortex_edit( think wine, churning, fermenting, expanding).

Now think mission. (I use the singular because my interest is not so much in our missionS, i.e. in our trips, as it is in God’s one mission…singular). Our old categories are increasingly shrinking while we have been busy looking at our handbooks and guidelines. In recent years, well meaning mission/s strategists have sought to help local church mission committees apply their mission dollars more strategically. Their advice has been to (a) direct your funding to the 10/40 window of north Africa and the Middle East, or (b) support indigenous evangelists who are in the country and already know the language and, boy, did you know how cheap it is to support one of those guys?!, or (c) you fill in the next blank.

So let’s you and I go next summer to Somalia, squarely in the 10/40 window, with mostly unreached people groups. Hmmm, not such a good idea. Might not be able to get a flight in there. Even if we could, we might encounter an assault weapon within the first day. Okay, bad idea. let’s support a Somali national. Right, let’s find one. Let’s interview him so we know he is legit. And if I may get a bit more controversial, let’s tempt him to get greedy with access to the mighty dollar.

Well, I have a better idea. Here in my city of Seattle there are over 60,000 Somalis, all but a handful are Muslims. Many are desiring to learn English, so they can pass their citizenship. They are eager to learn to drive, to learn how to catch the right bus, to relocate to better housing. Doesn’t it rather appear that we have a big theme of God’s mission story happening right before our eyes?

“Yeah, but we can’t support that kind of mission work in American because our policy says our mission money is for global, not domestic, outreach.” Or as another mission pastor said, “We have worked hard to get __% of our budget going overseas.”

I guess you can tell that I am more than a bit frustrated to realize that the mission strategy of the past generation is now an impediment to one of the most amazing activities of God. (One of the observations of Systems Thinking is that yesterdays solutions are today’s problems!)

I wish I could say His new “wine” was cracking a few wine skins. Instead, I see the old wine skins are tied shut and the new wine is not being contained.

“Wow, Seattle is an amazing place then, eh? That many Muslims! I bet that’s about the only city other than NYC that is like that!” Friend, I would love to tell you the amazing mosaic God has been painting for decades, drawing color and culture from every tribe, tongue and nation. And His artistry is on display in a city near you.

Jonah resisted God’s call to the despised Iraqis because of his ethnocentrism. Bluntly, Jonah knew his people were the chosen, and all others were below them. I believe that ethnocentrism has crept into mission strategy today in a subtle form. Many today think that the USA is so richly blessed that, surely, every other country needs what we can give them. So let’s send our missionaries out of here, because the rest of the world is so much worse than we are. And since the number of American missionary candidates has been diminishing for years, let’s at least give the other commodity the rest of the world craves — our dollars.

I regret to say that, in my opinion, the Church in our country has already bought the lie that it doesn’t matter who gets the job done. Let me tell you, there are many hidden gains by sending and receiving people from our own churches. It does make a difference. Our churches ought to celebrate and encourage those, young or old, who feel called of God to cross cultures with intentionality, whether going by plane to another land or reaching out to immigrant neighbors here in our towns. To the degree we have already delegated our mission involvement to indigenous evangelists and to our pocketbooks, to that degree we have lost a share in the glory of God’s mission.

One of the fun sparkles about God’s new wine is the chance to do mission locally and discover a strategic part in an overseas vision. I just returned from my third annual trip to Ethiopia. I was not the American lone ranger cutting my own trail. No, our small team has gone at the invitation of an Ethiopian pastor who serves a church in Seattle and carries in his heart a vision to bring Biblical training to church leaders in his homeland who could never access Bible College. We just handed out over 100 diplomas to pastors, elders, women’s leaders and evangelists who, following two years of practical study, now feel more confident in their ministries. And we came alongside an Ethiopian brother in the USA and had the privilege of assisting him in His God-given vision.

What we need is a few decision-makers who sit around tables in board rooms to recapture the courage of Carey, Taylor and Paul. Let’s keep a priority on the unreached in restricted areas. And let’s flex to see that more and more are coming within reach.