10 Marks of City Transformation

7 02 2014

How is God at work transforming the life in cities, and how does He ask us to cooperate? Consider Ezekiel 22 (in the Bible) as a good indicator. There, the prophet reveals ten characteristics of ancient Jerusalem that anger God.


1. The people collectively destroy their false idol worship and serve the one true God (Ezek. 22:2-4).

2. Leaders cease using their power to shed innocent blood (22:6).

3. The people cease making light of father and mother (22:7).

4. The people cease oppressing the stranger (22:7).

5. The people cease mistreating the fatherless and widow (22:7).

6. The people cease despising God’s holy things and cease profaning the sabbath (22:8).

7. Men who formerly slandered to cause bloodshed stop doing so (22:9).

8. People stop committing lewdness (9), and stop uncovering their father’s nakedness; they stop violating women who are set apart during their (menstrual) impurity (22:10).

9. Men stop committing abomination with the wife of his neighbor; they stop defiling their daughters in law; they stop violating their sisters (22:11).

10. They cease taking bribes to shed blood, stop charging interest to make gain; they stop profiting from neighbors through extortion; and they stop forgetting God (22:12).

Friend, there is a lot one person can do to be a part of transforming their city.

And looking at this list helps us realize that God is not being selfish when He calls us to repent. Every single one of these sins tear down the life of society, and every call to repentance will improve our cities.

None of these destructive behaviors have gone away. The dark inclinations of the human heart continue to battle against the wholeness of society.

In this context, the words of Scripture offer hope to anyone who will appeal to Jesus Christ for help:  “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. (Romans 6:12-13)

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Because He arose, we go!

25 01 2014

Let’s go back to the description of Jesus’ resurrection as recorded by his contemporaries (two eye-witnesses, Matthew and John; and two researchers, Mark and Luke). One task Jesus wanted to accomplish very intentionally was to physically appear to His followers in order to prove that His resurrection was true. Where there were doubters (eg. Thomas) He appeased their fears.  A second task Jesus tackled was to open the eyes of their understanding, revealing that He was the fulfillment of a plethora of ancient prophecies, as well as His own predictions of death and resurrection.

But there is an important insight gained as we compare the four gospel accounts. Each writer records words of Jesus which reveal that His Jesus’ primary burden as the resurrected Son of God was the authorizing and sending out of His disciples to expand His enterprise.

MATTHEW emphasizes our authority to make disciples, baptize, and teach obedience to Jesus’ commands. (Matt. 18:18-20)

MARK  emphasizes the global proclamation of the gospel accompanied by miraculous signs and protection. (Mark 16:15-18)

LUKE emphasizes our witness of gospel proclamation to all nations beginning at Jerusalem after receiving the Holy Spirit’s power. (Luke 24:46-49 and Acts 1:8)

JOHN focuses on our going out with the authority to transact spiritual business in Jesus’ name. (John 20:21-23)

After receiving these instructions, the reaction of the disciples was to worship Christ with great joy, and to gather for praise. They waited in prayerful anticipation of the power to go out and fulfill their new purpose for living. They were overjoyed that their Master was alive and would continue to be with them. And they were emboldened to live out His teachings.

The cross of Christ accomplished the work of salvation. The resurrection of Christ launches us on the mission of  proclaiming it. Help us Lord to do so with worship, great joy, praise, and prayerful anticipation!

Lessons from a man suddenly blind

18 11 2013

I am intrigued by a TED talk entitled:  Chris Downey: Design with the blind in mind

chris downey ted talkIt is delivered by an architect who had successful surgery for a brain tumor but who, as an after-effect of the surgery, totally lost his sight after three days. His talk (only 11 minutes) offers what he calls “outsights” (contrasted to insights) he has gained learning to get around the Bay Area as a suddenly unsighted man. Here is what stands out to me:

1. Cities could be better for all if designed with blind people in mind. They would have wider, more consistently designed sidewalks, with fewer cars. More people would walk. More stores and services would be offered at the ground level.

2. Chris gets a lot of encouragement when, as a white man, he walks through downtown Oakland (where many non-whites walk and work); this does not happen, he says, in San Francisco as much. I surmise that the church background of many blacks contributes to these frequent expressions of “Bless you brother.” and “Way to go man.”

3. It is said that there are two kinds of disabled people: those who know they are disabled and those who have not discovered theirs yet. Chris suggests that if we accepted our particular disability, we would experience greater community that would lessen the divisions of race and class. Sighted people pay less attention to others.

4. Chris testified that which we have heard before, that when one sense is lost, the other senses rise to actually enhance our experience. Sounds, smells, textures increase to better inform life. These help people know where they are, how to move forward.

I smell the essence of the gospel in this talk. “On the contrary, it is much truer that the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary” (1 Cor. 12:22). Naming and embracing our “disability” enhances community, breaks down barriers, and draws forth mutual understanding. Hubris counters all of these.

I believe God is continually redesigning our experience. As each of us gropes for Him as if in the darkness, may our spiritual sensitivities be enhanced. May more of us experience the redeeming work of Christ, which replaces every loss with something better.

Beyond accomplishing “Multi-ethnic church”

10 11 2013

My point: It is not enough to accomplish a multi-ethnic church. We must mature toward intercultural community.

Diversity_Hands.250w.tnI am encouraged with the increasing discussion about the “multi-ethnic church.”  But what does it mean–not the phrase, but the importance. Is it merely the degree of diversity in participating nationalities (“We’re a multi-ethnic church; we have 70% of this, 20% of that, and 10% of the others”)? Is it taking recommended steps which succeed in increasing diversity, such as having ethnic diversity visible on the platform and leadership team, multi-lingual signs, and culturally-diverse worship styles?

Accomplishing a multi-ethnic church can be little more than “clanging symbols” which miss the real meaning: Love which builds bridges in the power of Christ where walls once divided. Whatever the nature of the walls, whether gender, class, nationality or age, the meaning of loving fellowship is that the Spirit of Jesus releases His grace among His people for God’s glory.

That is why I am compelled to write about maturing in this journey. It is not enough to accomplish a certain level of variety in ethnic diversity. This can be achieved in some locations without even trying. Love must increase if the deeper meaning of “multi-ethnic church” is to be realized. Every body of believers must progress in mutual understanding of each other, and recognition of mutual need for each other as complementary parts of the body.

The graces of the Lord Jesus are increasingly released as we journey deeper as “one body through the cross” (Eph. 2:16). I recently heard this kind of mutuality illustrated this way. You know the Spirit of God is at work when a 20-something says to the pastor, “We should have more organ music.” “Why,” asks the pastor, “Do you like organ music?” “No, but the older folks in our church do, and this is their body too.”  Or again, you know Jesus’ prayer for deep unity is being answered when the Anglo gal who prefers the choruses by Hillsong says, “We need some rap and hip-hop in our worship because the younger blacks in our body feel God’s presence through that kind of music.”

No one should ever claim that these truths do not apply to them just because they do not have ethnic diversity in their town. All separating walls which exist must be taken down with humility, mutual understanding, confession of offenses, and restoring of healthy fellowship. That includes divides between the religious rich and the economically poor, the powerful men and the under-resourced women, the historic landowners and the new arrivals. Love is always needed because pride is always lurking.

Its true that “birds of a feather flock together.” This principle is built into nature through creation. The “homogenous unity principle” exists, despite the accusation by some churchmen that it is nearly evil. Fact is, we are hard-wired with the yearning to seek out and stay with those like us. It helps us survive. But the Church universal, and local churches, are called to be more than a flock of birds. We are also a body with many parts. We must work to overcome flocking which prompts us to hive off with those like us (something we need, at regular times, to do). But such particularity (the valuable contribution and benefit of each part) must be balanced and ultimately outweighed by our mutuality. As one pastor said, a local church should be “islands of particularity in a sea of inclusion.” Love must overcome a multitude of divisions.

It is not enough to accomplish a multi-ethnic church. We must mature toward intercultural community.



Good thing Isaiah didn’t have to raise support

29 10 2013

prophet1Conventional wisdom these days says if you want to get people to financially support your ministry you need a couple of things:

1. A vision that is compelling, one that meets a felt need

2. Activities that bring observable results, because people nowadays want to see that their money is making a difference.

I was reading Isaiah 6 again recently and all I can say is that Isaiah must have had another way of supporting himself other than “faith-based ministry.”

Oh, he had a mission statement alright, one that came straight from God. If God gives our ministry a calling like this, I don’t see a bright financial future. Because God told the prophet to tell the people (if I may paraphrase) to keep on attending church and listening to sermon podcasts but don’t perceive or understand a bit of it (Isa. 6:9).

The “observable results” of Isaiah’s career were to be dull hearts, heavy ears, and closed eyes. God’s goal was that the people not realize they should return and be healed (Isa. 6:10).

SMART goal-setting (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) would have worsened the picture. Isaiah asked how long he was to pursue this depressing mission. God said: Till the cities were laid waste, the houses inhabited by widows and fatherless kids, and most regions abandoned (6:11,12). Only then would God preserve a tithe of people with whom He could start over.

How many mission committees would give an appointment to a candidate like Isaiah? How many Christians would give that kind of missionary a dime?

A Word or Two of Counsel

TO THOSE WHO GIVE SUPPORT.  Leave room for those of Isaiah’s type. There are missionaries called of God who do not make a great pitch, do not carry themselves well in front of a large group, and do not have a flashy tagline. But they are the genuine article. Some of the best missionaries I have known were much more effective with the people they went to reach than with the church committee back home.

TO THOSE WHO FEEL GOD HAS CALLED YOU.  Seek out God in solitude. Make sure (as possible) that the voice you are hearing is God’s. Circle around time after time to clarify the vision you feel He has given you (I have done this hundreds of times). Say ‘yes” to as much as you know, then wait for His next directives. Keep going, committed to obey, whether it preaches well or not, whether people support it financially or not. Be willing to obey the vision even if you have to wait years to start, even if you have to work two jobs and pursue His vision on the side. None of us will reach the finish line and wish we had been more polished. We will only be glad that we were faithful.