10 ways you die to live the gospel

12 04 2017

1. Disciples today have Gethsemane-like experiences in which we must surrender to God.

2. Surrender is the first act of the heart which is necessary for any growth in maturity.

3. Humble surrender of soul initiates is what initiates any progress toward intimacy with God and conformity to Christ.

4. You and I are called to our own hill of sacrifice to share in His death. “I have been crucified with Christ…” (Galatians 2:20a).

5. Our burial-like experiences are seasons to abide in Christ. (“Abide in Me, and I in you,” John 15:4a).

6. As we abide with Christ, we

>>wait for Him to answer
>>grieve the loss of someone or something
>>feel weak and helpless

7. RESURRECTION is God’s favorite miracle. No wonder He lavishly produces resurrection-like experiences in us!

8. The driving passion of the gospel is to display Jesus as truly alive in His followers today.

9. We live out the resurrection when we MANIFEST the risen Christ!

10. Through our hardships we have the honor of putting on display the crucified, buried, and risen Son of God!

privilege to glorify Son of GodI would love to unpack more about these truths for you. Please sign up for my email list, and I will send you the first of 5 lessons  to you. THANKS!

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11 Reminders Worth Reviewing

12 04 2017

1. From your trials you will gain both understanding and joy of soul.

2. The ultimate work of Jesus Christ becomes the path to mature discipleship.

3. To be shaped by the gospel is to grow in conformity to Jesus through all of life’s experiences.

4.  Just as Jesus rose from the grave, you also have resurrection-like experiences!

5. The ultimate work of Jesus Christ becomes the path to mature discipleship.

6. The core of the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. And your discipleship follows the same pattern.

7. What greater purpose could you serve in life than to increasingly think and behave like Jesus?

8.  As a disciple there is no bigger goal for you than to please Jesus

9. You and God are working in sync if you desire to be more like Christ.

10. You and God are pulling in the same direction whenever you want to draw closer to Christ.

11. God uses everything that happens to you for accomplishing your shared purposes.

prayer open my eyes


I would love to unpack more about these truths for you. Please sign up for my email list, and the first of 5 lessons will be one the way to you. THANKS!

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10 truths on Following Jesus. Resonate?

11 04 2017
  1. Wherever they are in their journey with Christ, true disciples desire to move closer to Him.
  2. Today is a great time to get your spiritual legs back under you!
  3. The path which we walk with Jesus is not a garden stroll. No, it has twists and delays.
  4. The “Jesus way”  has detours and hazards. Maybe you are stuck in a ditch at the moment.
  5. A fresh encounter with the gospel begins with holy discontent.
  6. As believers, we must decide that the status quo is unacceptable.
  7. If you do not embrace a holy discontent, Jesus may bring it to you.
  8. The way to follow Jesus is a secret hidden in plain sight.
  9. The way to move forward by returning back to Jesus’ original call to discipleship.
  10. The gospel formation process has been a big part of your life for a long time.

These are themes developed in a Biblical, interdenominational, study which I would like to send to you.

Dear Lord, I am at a place in my life where I desire to draw closer to you. I have not been the person I hope to be, and so I ask for these coming days to get me moving forward again. I sincerely invite you, God, to do a new work in me. Show me from your Word how to follow Jesus more faithfully. Amen

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